Hellas Shipyards – Carrier Expansion Pack
December 11, 2023Overview When the tide of battle calls for swift and overwhelming aerospace supremacy, carriers stand as the pivotal force in…Hellas Shipyards – Strike Craft Pack
December 11, 2023Overview Small craft play an important role from reconnaissance to aerospace dominance due to their speed, agility and numbers. Fighters…Hellas Shipyards – Utility Ship Pack
December 11, 2023Overview A mainstay of civilian and military fleets, the Light and Medium Utility Ships perform a broad range of missions…Hellas Shipyards – Escort and Patrol Pack
December 11, 2023Overview Serving a wide range of missions such as escorting high value convoys, protecting capital ships and system defense, these…Hellas Shipyards – Force Projection Pack
December 11, 2023Overview When diplomacy fails and overwhelming force is required for decisive victory, these capital ships are the backbone of your…Hellas Shipyards – Fleet MegaPack
December 11, 2023Overview A full fleet of capital ships, escorts, utility ships and strike craft capable of performing a wide range of space combat missions,…